Sale fail

Screenshot 2019-11-29 at 9.24.15 AM.png

This is me on Black Friday. Lost in the woods. Running for cover. Sheltering from the shopping storm. However the image translates for you, that’s me right there, all day today, until the sales stop.
I slightly loathe BF. I never liked the acronym for ‘best friend’ and I like it even less when used for this commercial purpose. That’s not to say I haven’t already made my BFPs (Black Friday purchases), here, here and (later tonight via special banking BF deal) here. But that’s it.
I’m the same in TK Maxx, jumble sales and over-stuffed opp shops. I mean, I love a good bargain and there’s always a need for a good discount, I just get lost in the aisles.
The best TK Maxx I’ve ever been to is in Covent Garden: beautifully laid out, colour-coded, size-sorted rows of stuff I actually want to buy. And my favourite local charity shop is Shelter in South End Green, north London, for the same reasons. That’s where you might find me later on, browsing the same old aisles for the same old brilliantly priced stuff that’s always hanging off the racks.
How about RF (Recycle Friday) or DOF (Day Off Friday) or SIB (Stay In Bed Friday)?
Yours, FG (Friday Grinch)