I'd like to thank my phone...

To the midnight makers 
The crafters and bakers
The uploading acrobats
Filmers of silly cats
Tellers of online truths
IT and life-hack sleuths
Champion dress-fitters
Style gurus, job quitters
Psuedo control givers
Smile fakers, health fibbers
Pyramid sellers
Gym-bunny fellas 
To all those who keep me awake after dark
And stay by my side when I’m up with the lark
Thank you for keeping me posted this year
On all that I need to allay any fear 
You’ve sold me some brilliant odds and ends
Now I’ve switched off my phone and I’m out with my friends
To celebrate New Year the way I know best
Bubbles, a curry, a 6-hour rest
From the noise and the banter, the laughs and the chatter 
No doubt BRB for more of the latter
As soon as I wake on the first day of Jan
Well - can’t think of vowing a permanent ban
Not when there’s cats doing dangerous things
Or chasing a squirrel or learning to sing 
And babies who capture the hearts of the viewer
Hilarious drunks falling into a sewer
And dogs wearing clothing and cuddling toys 
Ooh careful I’m heading back into the noise…
To all those in real life who I hold most dear
I’m switching off, honest!
CU Next Year…