How to write a video script

Stock pic by Bokskapet

Stock pic by Bokskapet

While the whole world goes over to video, some of us are still hovering on the kerb, waiting for help with our reels and our vlogs. If you’re still unsure of taking that bold step onto the video bus, my next guest blogger Holly Wagner from Green Kiwi Productions has simple strategies for writing a script. One glance and we’ll all be uploading!

You’ve probably heard about using video. ALL the good marketing people bang on about it. You’ve probably read a few statistics about why video is so powerful, too. I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that you’ve also wanted to jump on the video bandwagon but then you’ve thought: ‘okay – what on earth do I talk about?!”
Or ‘do people even want to listen to what I have to say?’
And maybe even ‘does the camera really add 10lbs?!’
Well I can tell you that the latter certainly isn’t true, but do people want to hear what you have to say? Yes, they absolutely do. More specifically, your ideal clients want to know how you can help solve their problems, because ultimately as a business owner, that’s what you’re here to do.

You’re a problem-solver who can make someone’s life a whole lot better, and the best way of reaching that person is to have a conversation with them. In an ideal world, you’d be able to fill a room with clients and have conversations with each of them, explaining to them how you can help and why you’re the solution to their problems. But since that would be incredibly hard to orchestrate (especially in our current climate), the next best way of connecting is through virtual conversations, aka video marketing.
Sounds easy right? Just switch on your phone’s camera and start talking and… I know, not always so easy. What do you say? How do you word it? Do you need a structure?

I see a lot of people creating videos that are far too long, where they ramble on about themselves and this simply isn’t effective or impactful. The best videos are concise and to the point, resonating with the viewer in such a powerful way that they feel compelled to take action and start the process of working with you.
The structure that I’m about to take you through will allow you to create an effective marketing video every single time – I know this as it’s the exact same structure I and all my coaching clients use for marketing videos (with brilliant results).

1 GRAB your audience’s attention. In digital marketing you have just three seconds to do this, so it’s vitally important. Don’t waste time talking about yourself, instead use questions that apply to your audience. Like: ‘Do you struggle to create video content for your business?’ Instantly, I’ve grabbed the attention of anyone who resonates with this. And think about using emotion – notice I used the word ‘struggle’. We’re wired negatively, so we respond to negative emotions such as ‘frustrated’ and ‘stuck’.
2 HOLD their interest. Now’s the time to talk about what you do to help people, not your own experiences or qualifications (or your favourite colour)… How do you help people, and how can you stop people feeling this way? Consider including a testimonial as this will be the social proof of how good you really are, without you having to brag directly!
3 SHARE your call to action. What are the next steps for this person? Is it a social media follow, a share of your video, a direct phone call to you, or a link to click? Don’t overwhelm them, just give one simple step where the viewer can begin the process of becoming your shiny new client.

Remember to keep the language simple throughout your video and use words that your ideal client would use when talking about their problems. Follow these steps and I promise you, you’ll have a bulletproof marketing video that brings in new leads every time.

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Hop on to Green Kiwi Productions to find out more about Holly, and how she can help you grow your confidence with video.